I first constructed this idea for my magazine advert using exsisting images but showing the idea of what I want to show.
I then went on to take pictures of my performer to add to the adevrt to make it more unique to me, i couldnt choose between 4 images so decided to ask people within the class on what image they would prefer, these are the 4 images that they could choose from.
Here is some of the feedback that I recieved
Perosnally I like image 2 and 4 as I think these are the images that most suit the image i am trying to go with-Myself
I like the images 2 and 4 but would probably go with image 4 for the use in a magiazine article-Ebony
I like image 4 for the use on the magaizine article after seeing what it will be added into- Katie
I like image 2, if I was to do this magaizne with these images I would use that one- Chris
This is the image I have chosen to use based on feedback I receieved from my peers.
After adding images into the advert I decided that I didnt like the use of the shoe images at the bottom and felt it was an opportunity to add more information about the album onto the advert which I had seen in many albums I had researched.
I finally came up with this as my Draft magazine advert